Starting in October 2022, false and misleading claims about RealPage and its revenue management software have been reported in the media and in legal filings. This has perpetuated an inaccurate and distorted narrative about RealPage, our revenue management solutions, and the many benefits we bring for residents and housing providers, including a healthier and more efficient rental housing ecosystem. 

The Real Story

The time is now to address a number of false claims about RealPage’s revenue management software and how rental housing providers operate when setting rent prices,” said Dana Jones, RealPage CEO and President. “Housing affordability should be the real focus. RealPage is proud of the role our customers play in providing safe and affordable housing to millions of people. Despite the noise, we will continue to innovate with confidence and make sure our solutions continue to benefit residents and housing providers alike.

Housing affordability is the real problem

Housing affordability, including the lack of affordable rental housing, is a critically important national problem created by a host of complex economic and political forces, including:

  • persistent undersupply of rental housing units,

  • increasing demand for rental housing in many areas of the country,

  • inflationary pressures that affect costs to build, insure, and manage housing properties,

  • inefficient or unnecessarily onerous permit and zoning requirements,

  • higher mortgage rates and home prices driving more people to rent rather than own their own homes, and

  • changes in where and how people choose to live.

8 Important Truths about Revenue Management

  • #1

    RealPage RMS does not recommend withholding any apartment units.

  • #2

    The purpose of RealPage RMS is to optimize revenue - not to maximize rents.

    It makes rental price recommendations in all directions: higher, lower, or at the current rent price.

  • #3

    RealPage RMS provides pricing recommendations, but it does not dictate pricing.

    Customers are under no obligation - contractually or otherwise - to follow the pricing recommendations generated by the software.

  • #4

    There are no negative consequences for declining a pricing recommendation made by RealPage RMS.

  • #5

    RealPage RMS benefits residents as well as apartment advisors.

  • #6

    RealPage RMS rent price recommendations are based primarily on the subject property’s own internal supply and demand data.

  • #7

    RealPage RMS does not provide visibility into information specific to any other properties.

  • #8

    RealPage RMS does not consider any personal or demographic data.


Frequently Asked Questions About Revenue
Management Software

RealPage is happy to
educate you on the facts. 

For more information, reach out to:

Jennifer Bowcock
Senior Vice President, Communications & Creative