RealPage’s Response to False Allegations Concerning Its Revenue Management Software

Attacks on the industry's use of revenue management are based on demonstrably false information.

RealPage revenue management software benefits both housing providers and residents.

RealPage customers:

  • decide their own rent prices,

  • always have 100% discretion to accept or reject software price recommendations,

  • are never punished for declining recommendations, and

  • accept recommendations at widely varying rates that are far lower than has been falsely alleged.

RealPage revenue management software makes price recommendations in all directions – up, down, or no change – to align with property-specific objectives.

RealPage revenue management software never recommends that a customer withhold vacant units from the market. In fact, properties using our revenue management products consistently achieve vacancy rates below the national average.

RealPage uses data responsibly, including limited aggregated and anonymized nonpublic data where accuracy aids pro-competitive uses.

RealPage revenue management software serves a much smaller portion of the rental market than has been falsely alleged.

The truth shows the distorted narratives and lawsuits have no merit.

To view our detailed statement and learn more, click here.

RealPage’s Media Statements

—  Regarding the failed Colorado bill that would have banned “algorithmic devices”
that use non-public information to inform the setting of residential rents

“RealPage is grateful that a bipartisan effort in the Colorado legislature killed a bill that would have been bad policy for renters, housing providers, and the efforts in the state to advance housing affordability and availability. The out-of-state effort to advance this ill-advised legislation was based on a willful mischaracterization of the facts and the benefits that revenue management software provides to the entire multifamily housing ecosystem. We worked diligently to address the bill sponsor's concerns and we are thankful that a wise bipartisan effort defeated legislation that was based on fear and ignorance, and would have had the opposite effect of what it claimed to seek.”

—  Response to the DOJ investigation in March 2024

“RealPage’s revenue management software is purposely designed and built to be legally compliant, and we have a history of working constructively with the Department of Justice to show that. In fact, in 2017 the DOJ analyzed extensive information about YieldStar and LRO when it granted antitrust clearance for RealPage’s acquisition of LRO without objecting to the nature of our revenue management products.”

—  Response to the Arizona AG in February 2024

“Repeating the inaccuracies of predecessor cases, this copycat lawsuit is wrong on both the facts and the law.  The complaint is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of how revenue management software works and the significant benefits that it offers for residents, property managers, and the rental housing ecosystem as a whole. The software recommends rates in all directions–oftentimes recommending rent reductions. Our customers retain 100% control over the rents they offer, and they accept, reject, or modify the software’s recommendations at widely varying rates. RealPage’s revenue management software is purposely designed and built to be legally compliant, and we will vigorously defend against this lawsuit.”